Pausing college for a semester in order to do a coding bootcamp is a big decision, and one that many have already made. We do our best to learn about our students—where they come from, and what they would like to accomplish.
Take a look into why some of our students chose to pause college for a coding bootcamp. You’ll learn their experience and the outcome of taking a pause from college.
1 – Pausing college for coding bootcamp help Brock Tyler get ahead of the competition.
After receiving a degree in psychology from Brigham Young University, Brock Tyler started working for a software company and decided tech is where he wanted to be. He enrolled in the C.S. Master’s Program at the University of Utah. After doing two classes in the program, Brock thought it beneficial to do the iOS Immersive Course at DevMountain. In his C.S. Master’s Program he was learning theory, and coding bootcamp allowed him the practical application needed to master his coding skills. Coding bootcamp gave Brock the ability to learn concepts more quickly, network with people already in the industry, and jump into a professional environment.
Coding bootcamp helped Brock:
1) Apply the theory he was learning during his C.S. master education.
2) Know how to better utilize documentation.
3) Understand concept networking.
4) Feel more comfortable building things from scratch.
5) Feel less intimidated by his classmates in his C.S. program.
6) Improve overall learning skills.
7) Get ahead of others in his C.S. masters program.
2 – Pausing college for coding bootcamp helped Austin Hesterly get into a tech job quickly.
For Austin Hesterly, DevMountain graduate of both web development and iOS development programs at, supporting his family was his number one priority. While studying political science at college, he knew that he needed to start making money for his young family. That’s when Austin paused college to do a coding bootcamp. Austin had no previous coding experience, but utilized the instructors and mentors throughout the course, which helped him successfully get into a coding career after bootcamp. Because Austin loved the learning environment of a coding bootcamp—one-on-one mentoring, accelerated learning, and practice problems—he enrolled into a second bootcamp course to master his skills in iOS development.
Coding bootcamp helped Austin:
1) Learn coding languages for web development and iOS development.
2) Gain confidence in his learning ability.
3) Build a resume that got him into a career quickly.
4) Find a job right after learning how to code.
5) Learn coding languages for web development and iOS development.
3 – Pausing college for coding bootcamp helped Stephen learn code with a preferred teaching style.
Stephen Brinkworth, DevMountain Web Development Graduate, was learning coding theory while at college. Before continuing on with his C.S. degree, he thought about his future in code and decided he would like to start applying the theory he was learning. So, he enrolled in a web development course at DevMountain and excelled. His background in computer science helped him stand out in his cohort, and because of this he was able to help many others in his class. Having experienced both college and bootcamp, Stephen says the hands-on, one-one-one learning environment at coding bootcamp is much more enjoyable and a better way to learn code. Stephen found a job at Vivint Solar as a web developer.
Coding bootcamp helped Stephen:
1) Learn how to learn.
2) Teach other how to code.
3) Apply the theory he learned at college.
4) Create a well-rounded resume and portfolio.
5) Find a job.
6) Learn how to learn.
Pausing college to do a coding bootcamp can be a scary thought. Is it worth my time? Is it worth my money? Will a coding bootcamp help me get into a good career? Others have taken the leap and have found that pausing college for coding bootcamp is worth it. Visit our student testimonial page to learn more about different student experiences at a coding bootcamp.
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