Anna Hadley is a friendly admissions counselor at Devmountain. We sat down with her to ask her a few questions about her work life and home life. Here’s what she had to say!
What Led You to Devmountain?
I had a friend who worked at Devmountain and always raved about how great of an environment it was. One day, I saw a job opening and decided to apply!
What Is Your Favorite Part About Working With Students?
I love helping people change their life situation and find something they love!
How Are You Able to Help Students Who Are Thinking About Enrolling?
I think the biggest way I help students is to help them feel more comfortable with taking this leap into a new career. I always think it’s important that they know we are here to support them in any way possible and that we are invested in their success as an individual.
What Would You Tell a Student Who Is Nervous About Going Through the Application Process?
I would tell them that they are in the same boat as every other student applying. They are a beginner at coding who’s taking a risk to invest in their education and that they are among friends who have all done the same thing and who all know how awesome the pay off will be if they can just stick with it!
What Do Potential Students Need to Know Before They Make a Decision on Whether or Not to Enroll?
Potential students need to know that our courses are hard and they need to be ready to work their but off, but that they are also worth it!
What Are Your Hobbies and Why?
I love to surf! It helps me clear my head and not think about anything else but catching waves!
If You Could Be a Muppet, Disney Character, or Super Hero, Who Would You Be and Why?
I would be the Avatar… for obvious reasons. But mainly because he has four powers in one, and not having to do my hair every morning would be sick!
What Is One Thing People Are Often Surprised to Learn About You?
I love fashion, which is surprising because I dress like a hobo every day.
If You Could Save One Object from Your Burning Home, What Would it Be and Why?
I would save my phone because it’s how I stay in contact with my loved ones all over the world!
Any Other Advice or Insights You’re Dying to Give to Students?
You can do hard things! It might seem hard, and outside of anything you have done before, but it will be worth it, I promise!