Tech job interviews aren’t quite like interviews in many other industries. Due to the fact that tech jobs are very technical and require specific skill sets, and because starting salaries are fairly competitive, employers will want to be very confident in your qualifications before signing off on you. So how do you convince interviewers that you are right for the job? Here are a few tips on how to succeed in a tech job interview.
1. Come in With a Strong Resume
Most of the legwork for this part will be done before you even get the interview. Make sure that your experiences, education, and references are in line with what you want to be doing with your career.
It’s difficult to impress an employer as a self-trained coder because you only have yourself to back you up. Getting an education and a degree will give you credibility from the get-go, and makes it easier for you to get an interview in the first place.
DevMountain’s coding bootcamp is the ideal solution, giving you a quick way to gain valuable experience and qualifications from an incredibly reputable organization. You’ll pick up great references in the form of your professors, who are themselves coding professionals who have worked in the fields you’ll be applying for. You’ll also have an impressive keystone project that you can show to potential employers so they can see the skills you’ve gained firsthand.
Having an impressive resume will help you get more interviews, and will paint your interviewer’s impressions of you from the get-go.
2. Understand the Company and Position Thoroughly
Prepare for the interview by making sure you thoroughly understand the company and position you are applying for and the expectations the company has for a prospective employee. You should be able to confidently explain why you are an excellent fit for the position, and why you are excited about it. Likewise, knowing what the company’s goals and challenges are can help you focus your responses to things that you know the company will find most useful.
3. Be Ready to Demonstrate Your Abilities
A big way that tech interviews are different from many other types of job interviews is that you may be asked to demonstrate your abilities to your interviewer. This may come in the form of a test, or they may ask you to show them a portfolio or previous work. Before heading to an interview, prepare a flash drive with impressive and relevant work that you have already completed.
4. Leave a Good Impression
No matter how unique tech job interviews are, there is one way in which all interviews are the same. You want to present yourself as professional, likeable, and a team player. You’ve probably heard many of these tips before, but they are important and worth repeating.
Make sure you arrive to your interview early. This ensures that you won’t be late because you couldn’t find the building or office you were supposed to arrive to. It will also help you calm your nerves before the interview.
Arrive well dressed and well groomed, and treat everyone you meet with respect. Our appearance and manners have a larger impact than we sometimes think.
Ask thoughtful questions during the interview. This could include questions about specific needs the company has or if there are any concerns the interviewer has about your resume.
Before you leave make sure to thank the interviewer for his or her time and consideration at the end of the interview, and then again in an email or letter after you leave.
While jobs in the tech industry are plentiful, competition for the positions you want may still be fierce. Arm yourself with the experiences and qualifications that will make you stand out as a valuable candidate by getting your education from DevMountain’s coding bootcamp. Our expert team of coding professionals has worked in your industry before, and they know what it takes to be a successful and competitive tech industry employee. You can learn more about our program and meet our team on our website.